Is the guarantee yucky?
Your stomach feeling sick?
Your brain giving you a mental pounding-out.
Pounding you with gloomy days ahead, all because you can’t find the copywriting guarantee. And if copywriting guarantee is found – it Stinks.
You know the only way freeing yourself from this mental no guarantee torture is running away and not buying.
Stop making your prospects run away
I like you, know the feeling of no or little guarantee. Ask yourself, are you spelling out your own product copywriting guarantee plainly to your prospects? Letting your prospects know how easy it is if unhappy, getting their money back quickly.
Spelling-out your copywriting guarantee so it’s clear in your prospects head, makes it easier for the prospect to open their wallet and buying from you.
Because the one or more times your prospects didn’t get their money back, or had to declare war fighting for their money back, their brain remembers and screams doom and gloom. Telling your prospect to move on with-out buying, no matter how much they want the product, it’s not worth the new no guarantee pain.
Keep your prospects mind settled, yet excited into desiring owning your product by offering a strong guarantee. You want your prospects mind assured with the guarantee your product is going to deliver what you say it will deliver. And if it doesn’t deliver. Bamm the prospect gets their money back simply by asking.
Are you crazy – 90 day copywriting guarantee helps increase my price?
By taking your guarantee beyond the standard 7,14, 30 day guarantees to 90 days and up – no hassle copywriting guarantee can even strengthen the perceived value of your product. Making it worth more.
It’ll get your prospects thinking… “Wow, they must believe 100% in their product giving a 90 day return.” As their mind continues saying; “The guarantee sure helps me because my schedule is pretty hectic for the next month. Gives me peace of mind. I can get it now and check it out next month. If I’m not happy I still can ask for and get my money back. Cool.”
Seeing what you’re doing in-side your prospects head?
The guarantee builds strong on the promise on what you will get. If not, here’s how to get your money back.
In your guarantee explain how your product gets delivered, how long it’ll take and who to contact if need be. The guarantee is where you’re pouring the calm mind cement, so don’t hesitate making your guarantee stronger. Make it long by repeating main benefits for your prospect to know what they are getting and you’re behind the guarantee 100% now and after buying.
The stronger your copywriting guarantee gets, it’ll start passing on a higher perceived value to your product. This new higher perceived value may allow raising of your prices, matching the new perceived value. Then you are getting into interesting guarantee split tests with length of guarantee and price of product.
Be known – We’re the good guys like you.
Now go create your copywriting guarantee, keeping your prospect focused, with your product in mind helping them make their lives easier. And if there is any problems, “Hey Man, no worries we’ll even tell you how you get your money back.” “Now go ahead and buy. You know in your head there is nothing yucky here.”
Jim MacDonald
Copywriter http://cashingincopy.com
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