
Split testing is copywriting boxing

Libraries are full of copywriting and direct response books.  Helping John, but only if he takes time.

John, got zero-returns with his first direct-response mailing. Then wondering what happened.

Not one website visitor.  Or a phone call from anyone receiving Johns direct-mail post-card.  Meaning no one wants to find out more,  buy or bothering reading your “Oh so beautiful post-card.”

But It’s an expensive flop

My first reply about John’s crashing direct mailing is here:  Headline Grabbing Prospects Brain-Balls.

Summing up John, is asking, what the… happened.

It’s easy to understand what happened when he tells you he mailed all the post-cards at the same time.  All 2,000 names he selected on a mailing list.

Ouch.  Thats gotta hurt.

But really, it’s no smarter than smashing your thumb with a hammer.  Stopping your pain in your big toe, because you just stubbed your big toe.

And more dumb if John is thinking he’d be hitting the jack pot with his – all at once post-card mailing.  Saving him hours, days, weeks doing split-test mailings.  But there is no way knowing if the easy, lazy way is going to make money.  Or bite you as it sucks all your money away.

Totally opposite what direct response mailing is all about.

It’s because there are lots of variables in a direct response mailing.  All going after a higher return.  With super focus.

Such as list matching, type of mailing (direct letter or postcard) and your attention grabbing and pulling power of Copy.  The words selling what you want your prospect to do…

To Put Hand Up… Sign-Up… Request More Info… Buy now.

It’s why John shouldn’t have mailed all 2,000 postcards at the same time, without first split testing his list and copy with a smaller list.   Taking his time split-testing. Seeing with your eyes if you’ve got it wrong.

Because it’ll still be wrong even if you increase the number mailed by ten, twenty or thirty fold.

But get it right.

Well…  put a smile on your face.

Now increase your mailing ten, twenty or thirty fold with confidence.  Knowing you’ll be pulling in responses to your direct mailing because your split testing is showing so.  Meaning, your prospect is buying your product – doing what you want.

Come now let’s do a test, using John’s post card mailing of 2,000 names.  It’ll wrap your head around smaller mailings while finding your control.  And able to easily predict your ROI from small-scale to large mailing.

Mailing with confidence.

From the 2,000 names for the first test take 500 names then half them.

We’ll be split testing 250 list names, helping you find your control-copy.  The control is found when one copy split tested against another copy.  The copy with the best results, the most sign-ups or purchases wins. The goal is what you want your prospect to do.

  • The first copy used as is.
  • The second copy is the same copy as first, but with different headline, photo or some small change.
  • Second copy can be totally different copy.
  • Each split-test gets marked with a reply code.
  • You’ll know which copy and which list is pulling in the most responses.
  • Tons different than John’s, holding breath and crossing fingers guess.
  • Spit testing the copy shows you which copy is bringing in the most sign-ups, calls or sales.
  • The winner is left unchanged and run-up against anther copy.

Winning copy

Again winning copy moves up and mailed to the remaining list if bringing in good number of  responses. If not, it’s moved for further split testing, say another 250 then another 250.

Your control is the winner of each split test.  And if continues winning the control, further split testing may no longer be necessary if you’re happy with the results coming in.

Stopping and Running Split Tests For Copy Pulling Power

Split testing stops anytime you wish.  If you find after a few split tests, one copy is out pulling all others. Giving wonderful returns then feel free to mail out the winning copy in larger numbers.

Split testing can continue on testing copy at your leisure.  Always trying to beat the control.

The split test is the control up against the same copy with one change or totally different copy.  Or different segments of the mailing list tested.

Finding the good copy control in a small mailing is to your advantage.  With a strong hard-working control you’ll be able to predict the return on a larger mailing.   Your return on investment is similar to your smaller mailing, at a larger scale.

So if you’re loosing any money…

Do it small-scale while you fine-tune your direct response mailing by split testing. Finding your healthy ROI (return on investment).

It’s easier going in small steps making money

Knowing when you do your 2,000 mailing, it’ll be right and controlled.  Making it easier rolling out you next mailing. Rather than blindly mailing,  draining your wallet, and hitting the KO mat fast.

Have fun split testing.


Jim MacDonald

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