
Anxiety calming testimonial secrets

 Know these secrets or lose your prospect faster than you can say anxiety.

Because an anxiety is a fear gone wild.

And  you sure don’t want an anxiety running loose as a mad dog in your prospects head.    Turning them into a terrified reader and chasing them away from your sales letter.

An anxiety is you  believing in a fear  you believe is out there.  It’s all real to you – a live monster, but pretty much only to you.

The anxiety is keeping your prospect moving forward, as you are unable to talk yourself out of your fear.  Thus prospect continues to loop in fear anxiety.

In reality the fear doesn’t exists

Anxiety is Stephen King’s movie The Mist, when the car runs out of gas stopping the escape. Wife is already dead.

Four bullets – five people. With monsters and unknown things somewhere in the foggy dense mist all licking their lips.  Ready to tear into human flesh  slow as a buzzard ripping a dieing lizard.

No sooner  the four bullets used, the fog clears exposing the situation under control all around them.  The monsters gone. There was no need to take drastic measures – but way too late for 4 shot people in the car out of gas.  Who never thought of the fog clearing  as fear was their prime motivator.

As your customer / prospect flows through your sales letter, their mind isn’t just soaking in all the info you have laid out in your sales letter.

Your customers head is popping full of questions.

Objections keeping them from buying whatever

Their mind isn’t only reading your sales letter but their head is racing with thoughts.  Your prospect is having a conversation with themselves.  Taking in the information you present in your sales letter and asking themselves questions as they arise.

You have a fantastic product, but if your prospect has unanswered questions, no matter how good your product or closing is they will pass.  Your prospect scared.  Keeping their money locked tight in their wallet.

This is where testimonials you have gathered help calm your prospects anxieties.  Answering their questions. And not by the sales letter saying so.  Your prospects questions answered and anxieties vanish by hearing from people just like themselves. Who have purchased the product and letting you know what they think of it.

Anticipate hearing your customer questions they will be asking in their heads while reading your sales letter.

 “Will XYZ-Mr.Wonderful work for me – I’m a newbie?”

Then go finding testimonials from newbies saying they are a newbie and it was easy.  And if it’s not for newbies say so in a testimonial.

Then  be ready for… “Hey bub, is it going to be hard?

Will it take months or weeks or days?

Here you can have testimonials from buying customers who have a full-time job and telling how they are doing it only do it in the evenings.  Or  on the week ends for 7 weeks.

Or got it this morning.  Absorbed all the information on the commute to work and by evening had everything up and working.  Match your testimonials with what your product does with real people telling their story how they are doing it.

Then of course the old question what if I want to return it?  Will it be a pain in the butt?  Will it cost me a fortune returning it and will I even get my money back?

Fortune Teller Of Questions

Now when writing your sales letters become a fortune-teller seeing into the future of the prospect.  Hear loud and clear what questions your prospect will have in their head.

Then answer it in your sales letter using a buying customers testimonial.  Telling their story with the answer your prospect question they are asking.

Don’t wait till the end to plop in the testimonial.  Secure the testimonial in your sales letter answering their question when it arrises.  This builds truthfulness in your prospects head.

Your prospect is being influenced, not what the sales letter writer is saying but what the real people are saying.  Giving credibility – you’re telling the truth and your product must be good.

Further creating the… ” I want it now”  making the clicking of the buy button happen.

Jim MacDonald

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